Secrets of Pavlova making are: Use an electric food mixer, (the bowl should be clean and perfectly dry) and beat the mix until it is as smooth as you can get it, any undissolved sugar generally goes gummy and spoils the texture. Do add sugar sloooowwwllllllyyyy. Put sugar in a dessert spoon at a time sprinkling it across the surface with a good interval between additions to enable it to mix well. You should not use ordinary granulated sugar, that just about guarantees a flop!
The same rules apply to the liquids, add a drop or two at a time and you MUST keep beating as you do so.
This pavlova has a slightly crisp outside and is like marshmallow on the inside. You can dress it several ways, spread with a layer of thick whipped cream that has had 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla and 1 teaspoon of sugar added. This is covered with sliced fruit, whatever is in season - strawberries, raspberries, sliced (peeled) kiwifruit the choice is yours. You can also make a creme patisserie and use that instead of the whipped cream.
The best way to make this pavlova is at night, that way you can go off to bed after the oven is turned off and take it out in the morning. It will keep several days if placed in a sealed container. Relative humidity at the time of making is a factor to take into account and can affect the results dramatically, leaving the outside really gooey, however it is still edible.