On Line Cookbook

Protein Packed Muffins

Recipe Information
Serves/Makes:8 or more muffins

  • 8 oz (224 grm). porridge oats
  • 2 tsp (10 ml) baking powder
  • 250 ml. water/milk (approx)
  • 2 scoops protein powder (optional)
  • 1 jar peanut butter (either)
  • 3 egg whites
  • Set oven at 190c.
  • Put porridge oats and baking powder in bowl.
  • Add jar peanut butter.
  • Whisk egg whites until stiff.
  • Add half measure of water/milk.
  • Fold in egg whites.
  • Then add the rest of liquid until all ingredients blended together but not too stiff - if so, add little more water/milk.
  • Put into creased tin or whatever you want to use and put in oven at 190c for about 20 minutes or until golden brown and knife comes out clean.
This is a very simple muffin/cake which I use every week, but you can use any ingredients you want, I also do apricots and honey, prunes and walnuts, just add little sugar or honey if you are doing sweet ones. This is for the serious athelete - if you do not train, just leave out the protein powder. These if done without protein powder and on their own or with fruits are not very calorific and high in protein because of the egg whites - JUST ENJOY

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