On Line Cookbook

Lemon and Spice Salmon

Recipe Information
Oven Broiled Salmon

J. Gero

Serves/Makes:1 or more

  • 1 thick salmon steak (really fresh because this is cooked medium rare)
  • 3 or more cloves fresh garlic
  • 1 lemon
  • 1/4 tsp (1 ml) fresh ground pepper
  • 1 tbsp (15 ml) olive oil
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees (175 C.).
  • Place salmon in an oven friendly pan--I use cast iron-lightly coated with olive oil.
  • Crush garlic cloves with the flat of a knife and then peel off skin so that the pieces are rustic.
  • Scatter garlic and fresh ground pepper onto the salmon.
  • Zest entire lemon onto the salmon and then squeeze juice onto the fish as well.
  • Place into the oven and bake between 15 and 20 minutes...DO NOT OVER COOK!!!
I love serving this with cous-cous and a green salad.