On Line Cookbook

Homemade Kitchen Bouquet

Recipe Information

Serves/Makes:2 cups approx.

  • 1/2 cup (125 ml) brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp (15 ml) black strap molasses
  • 2 cups (475 ml) water
  • Place the brown sugar and the molasses in a heavy bottomed pan on a medium heat, and slowly stir until it turns a dark brown, (this can take upwards of 15 minutes as the sugars need to "parch", or go just past the caramelization point).
  • Add the water and stir well until it is well blended, bottle or jar the liquid and place in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.
  • (I have used it after 6 months and it was okay to me.. but the original directions say, "1 month".)
  • Use a few drops at a time to color and thicken gravies and soups.
Note: There are many recipes for this that leave out the molasses. My experience says that the molasses adds that original flavor to kitchen bouquet, which is an agent that darkens sauces.