On Line Cookbook

Stewed Potatoes

Recipe Information
Karen "Sissy" Wommack

Serves/Makes:6 or more

  • 7 medium sized white potatoes
  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) to 1/2 cup (125 ml) or more of real butter
  • salt
  • pepper
  • water, enough to cover the potatoes
  • Wash a peel the potatoes and cut them into quarters. Put them into a 2 quarts (1900 ml) or larger pan, cover them with water. Add the butter and salt and pepper to taste.
  • Cover the pan and cook on medium until they are fork tender.
  • Note: Rule of thumb, you prepare a medium potato for each person and one for the pot,this is true even for mashed potatoes. If you cook more potatoes, then add more butter, salt and pepper.
Growing up in Kentucky, we eat a lot of potatoes, we fry them, mash them, bake them, roast them, boil them with their jackets on, or with them off for potato salad and yes even stew them, like this. We eat stewed potatoes, with white or pinto beans, goulash, pan fried okra, pan fried squash, pan fried green tomatoes, green onions, sliced ripe tomatoes, sweet pickles, corn bread, and iced tea. Then for dessert we may have pan fried dried apple or peach pies.

Note: There is a difference in Pan Fried things than Deep Fried things, all together a different taste.