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Recipe Information |
- Source:
- Kim Allison Preston (and Michael Grotenfendt of Germany)
- Ingredients
- 1-1/2 lbs (.7 kg). corned beef
- 4 large onions, chopped
- 1 large beet, cubed
- 4 oz (112 grm). lard or margarine
- 2 lbs (.9 kg). boiled, mashed potatoes (skins on or off, your preference)
- 5 tbsp (70 ml) dill pickle juice (or substitute with beef broth)
- salt, to taste
- grated nutmeg
- Preparation
- Boil corned beef, onions and beet until semi-soft.
- Process all 3 ingredients together through a meat grinder.
- Place ground mixture in frying pan on medium heat with the lard. Keep mixture moving.
- Stir in the mashed potatoes and 5 tbsp (70 ml) pickle juice.
- Add salt and grated nutmeg to taste.
- This should be ready to serve in about 5 to 10 minutes.
- Comments
- Serve with fried egg and either dill pickle or boiled, sliced beet.
Labskaus was originally served to the crew on German ships. Today it is
A popular food in northern Germany.
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