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Recipe Information |
- Source:
- Sissy
Serves/Makes:2 Gallon
- Ingredients
- 12 regular quality lemons
- 6 cups (1425 ml) of white granulated sugar
- 2 gallons (7.6 ltr) of spring or bottled water
- Do not use tap water with chlorine!!
- Preparation
- Put the lemons in a large sauce pan.
- Cover the lemons with tap water.
- Bring them to a rapid boil
- Boil for approximately 5 mins.
- Drain the water off the lemons.
- Take eachl lemon, one at a time, and cut in half in a bowl.
- Then take each half and juice with a hand juicer, or old fashioned lemon juicer.
- Pour juice into a 2 gallons (7.6 ltr) GLASS pitcher or jar.
- Take the 6 cups (1425 ml) of sugar and mix approx. 4 cups (950 ml) of the spring or bottled water and combine and put in pan or large bowl and either heat in microwave or on the stove in pan until sugar has dissloved and turned into syrup.
- Pour the syrup into the lemon juice, then add enough spring or bottled water to make 2 gallons (7.6 ltr).
- Pour over ice and serve.
- Comments
- Make sure you use quality lemons, and only unchlorinated water
and melt the sugar, and use ONLY GLASS CONTAINER to mix and store it in.
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