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Lime Jello and Pineapple Salad - Pineapple Jello Salad
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Recipe Information
Carol D. Harding

Serves/Makes:12 - 3 to 4 inch equal squares

  • 1 pkg. lime Jello
  • water, as given on Jello box
  • 1 can of crushed pineapple, drain and save juice in glass measuring cup, set aside
  • 1 medium/small container of Cottage Cheese, small curd, drained if too wet, amount depending on the size of Jello box you use.
  • 1/2 cup (125 ml) to 1 cup (225 ml) shredded Carrots, if desired.
  • 1/2 cup (125 ml) shredded coconut, optional
  • chopped walnuts, optional
  • raisins, optional
  • lettuce leaves, optional
  • whipped cream, optional
  • Make up Jello following directions on box, using the same amount of water for boiling as written on Jello box.
  • Using measured and reserved pineapple juice, then add to it enough cold water to make the prescribed amount of liquid to finish up liquid Jello.
  • Carefully stir in cottage cheese, drier than wetter, drain if necessary to give the jello a pretty green emerald color, rather than a creamy green.
  • Shredded carrots can be added for more nutrition, color and flavor, and chewiness.
  • Some people have added 1/2 cup (125 ml) of shredded coconut, and chopped walnuts for crunch and hint of Hawaian touch and flavor.
  • Raisins can also be added for people that like raisens, or for needed iron in the diet.
  • When all additional ingredients have been added, pour into a 9 x 13 inch glass pyrex cake pan.
  • When set, cut in equal sized squares and serve on salad plates atop a leaf of green lettuce.
  • May be topped with a dab of whipped cream for a touch of sweetness, to make it seem special, or to please a finicky palate.
  • Amount of ingredients added depends on individual preferences, and size of container to give desired sized servings.
LDS (Mormon) background. Watched mother make Jello to take to bazaars, to help out new Moms, to help feed the homebound elderly, and etc. Different fruited ingredients can be added to add color, texture, flavor.

Orange Jello is best used with the carrots and to better compliment each other. The Crushed Pineapple is a wonderful ingredient to put just the right pizazz to make into this a wonderful Carrot/Pineapple Jello Salad. It's a family favorite. The cottage cheese does not work as well in the Orange Jello, a personal preference.

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