On Line Cookbook
Sissy's Lemonade - Lemonade
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Recipe Information
Serves/Makes:2 gallons

  • 1 doz. fresh solid quality, regular size lemons
  • 6 cups (1425 ml) sugar
  • 2 gallons (7.6 ltr) well water, bottled water, or tap water (tap watermay have too much chlorine in some areas)
  • In a large heavy pan put the whole lemons in and cover with tap water.
  • Put them on the stove and bring to a boil.
  • Gently boil for about 5 minutes.
  • Drain off the water.
  • Place one (1) lemon at a time, in a saucer, and cut it in half (Note: it will be hot and juicy, so be careful, this is the reason for the saucer, it is to catch the juice that will run out of the lemon when you cut it in 1/2).
  • Take each 1/2 of the lemon at a time and using a glass juice extractor, juice the lemons and pour the juice into a 2 gallons (7.6 ltr) glass jar/container.
  • Take the sugar and add about 2 to 3 cups (700 ml) of the well/bottled water to it and bring it to a boil on the stove until the sugar is melted.
  • Pour the sugar water over the lemon juice in the jar, and finish filling the 2 gallons (7.6 ltr) jar with the well or bottled water, until full.
  • Stir it up.
  • We leave the seeds in it, but you can strain the juice thru cheese cloth if you want to.
  • Try and not use metal utensils with this. Lemons are acid, so they react with metal. That is why you use a glass jar and I use a wooden spoon to stir.
  • Serve it over ice, and there you go, the best lemonade you have ever had.
I have no idea for sure where I got this recipe. I think I got it from our preacher's wife, Mary Larimer, at one of our dinners on the ground at church. Lots of good times we had at the church with dinner on the ground, as we called it. Precious memories that we will never forget.

Enjoy, Sissy

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