Print Friendly Recipe
Recipe Information |
- Source:
- Eric Light via Martha Purdy
- Ingredients
- 3 egg yolks
- 1 egg
- 1 liter vegetable oil
- 1 Tbsp (15 ml). white pepper
- 1 Tbsp (15 ml). salt
- soy sauce to taste (approximately 5 tbsp (70 ml) to 6 tbsp)
- Preparation
- Put egg and yolks in a 1 litre glass container.
- Add a little oil, begin beating with whisk.
- Slowly add the rest of the oil while whisking.
- Add pepper, salt, and soy sauce to taste, mix.
- Be careful to add the oil very slowly. If too much is added at once, the mixture will separate and be wasted. You can tell the mixture has separated when it does not look smooth and creamy like mayonnaise.
- Using a blender will often destroy the sauce - whisk it by hand instead.
- Comments
- This sauce goes very well with any type of seafood.
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