On Line Cookbook
Recipe Entry
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Recipe requests

Please enter your recipe using mixed case, not ALL UPPERCASE. Use American measures rather than metric.

Dish Name
(if different from title)
Source name
Source email
(we only use this if we need to contact you)
Ingredients Please enter one ingredient per line. When possible, structure as quantity measure ingredient (i.e. 2 tsp sugar).
Our software understands the following measures when a number or a number and fraction precedes them:
  • teaspoon, tsp, t.
  • tablespoon, tbsp, T.
  • cup, c.
  • quart
  • oz.
  • lbs.
  • inch
  • degrees

Preparation Please enter one step per line.

Background, Comments, etc.

Please note that by submitting a recipe, you are granting us the right to publish it, and also the right to email you to ask for clarifications if necessary, if you supply a 'source email' address. This address is not published as part of the recipe and can be removed from our recipe record if requested. We also reserve the right to edit the recipe content for clarity and consistency, and the right to delete the recipe, at our descretion.

Copyright ©1997-2025 by Synergetic Data Systems Inc. All rights reserved.
SDSI neither endorses nor warrants any products advertised herein. All recipe content provided to SDSI is assumed to be original unless identified as otherwise by the submitter.

SDSI provides all content herein AS IS, without warranty. SDSI is not responsible for errors or omissions, nor for consequences of improper preparation, user allergies, or any other consequence of food preparation or consumption.

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Send comments to our email. For more information, check our About the Cookbook page.