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Recipe Information |
- Source:
- Candy
Serves/Makes:18 rolls
- Ingredients
- 18 frozen dinner rolls
- 1 pkg. butterscotch pudding (NOT instant)
- 1 stick melted margarine
- 1 cup (225 ml) brown sugar
- 1 cup (225 ml) chopped walnuts or pecans
- Preparation
- Spray bundt pan with nonstick spray.
- Put nuts in bottom and add rolls equally around pan.
- Pour dry pudding mix and brown sugar over rolls.
- Pour melted margarine over all.
- Let thaw and rise overnight covered with a clean dish towel (in unheated oven.)
- In morning, uncover, turn oven on to 350 degrees (175 C.) and bake for 30 minutes.
- Turn over immediately on large plate.
- Comments
- These are really more like sticky buns than cinnamon rolls, but they are easy and delicious!
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