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Cooking Glossary
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whelk Large marine snail of the gastropod family. The foot-like muscle is flavorful but tough. It is typically tenderized by pounding before cooking. Sometimes found in Italian recipes.
whip to beat ingredients until light and fluffy.
wild rice Popular for its nutty flavor and chewy texture but not really a rice at all. Wild rice is a long grained marsh grass that's native to the Great Lakes region and traditionally harvested by native Indians. It's very expensive and usually combined with other rices or grains.
won ton Chinese dumpling made from won ton skins (paper thin sheets of dough made from flour, eggs and salt). Skins are filled with meat, seafood or vegetable mixture then boiled, fried or steamed and served as appetizer with dipping sauces.
Worcestershire sauce Thin, dark, piquant sauce used to season meats, gravies, soups and vegetables. The many formulas are typically made various quantities of soy sauce, garlic, lime, molassaes, tamarind, onions, molasses, anchovies, vinegar and seasonings.
yarrow Pungent herb found in Europe and North America. It has a very strong aroma and is used sparingly in egg dishes, salads and soups.
yeast A living single celled organism that grows and converts its food (through fermentation) into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Most commonly used to leaven breads and in beermaking.
yogurt Dairy product made from milk that is fermented and coagulated from introduced or natural "friendly" bacteria. Can be made from the milk of many animals but cow's milk is most popular. Commercially available in flavors, with fruit and as a frozen dessert.
Zinfandel Red wine grape brounght to the U.S. from Italy. Its spicy raspberry flavor makes fruity to rich red wines.
zuppa Italian word for soup.

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