Term | Definition
Farmers Cheese | Another name for cottage cheese, pot cheese, clabber cheese,or Schmierkaese. These are considered unripened soft cheeses made pasteurized milk and kept at temperatures between 70 and 100 degrees until the milk is clabbered and separates into curds and whey. For detailed instructions on making these cheeses you may consult versions of Irma Rombauer's Joy of Cooking through at least 1964.
fava bean | A bean the looks like a large lima bean, popular
in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cooking.
They have a tough skin that can be removed
by blanching.
fennel | A plant that has fine foliage and celery-like
stalks and a large base. The plant has a light,
anise like flavor.
fermentation | A chemical change in foods, such as wine, cheese,
and yogurt. The change is caused by bacteria
or yeasts which produce the enzymes that cause
the fermentation process.
fettuccini | Wide (about 3/8 inch), flat pasta noodes.
fiber | The portion of plant foods that cannot be
fig | A fruit originating in Africa, Asia, and
southern Europe, now cultivated world wide.
Many varieties. High in iron, calcium, and
fines herbes | A French mixture of finely chopped herbs,
traditionally chervil, chives, parsley, and
firm ball stage | A stage of candy cooking of 244 to 248 degrees F.
At this temperature, a drop of syrup into cold
water will form a firm ball.
flute | To create decorative patterns in foods, such as
pie crust edges, mushroom caps, etc.
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