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cayenne Bright red, very hot chile pepper. Used to make cayenne pepper, or ground for soups and sauces.
celeriac The root of a variety of celery, used raw or cooked or pureed in a variety of dishes.
celery A popular vegetable; stalks and leaves are used extensively in salads, appetizers, soups, and more. Originally considered a medicinal herb.
Celsius A temperature scale where 0 is the freezing point of water, and 100 is the boiling point (at sea level.) F = 32 + C * 9/5.
chafing dish A dish kept above a heat source to keep food warm.
challah A rich Jewish yeast bread, traditionally formed in a braid.
chalupa A corn tortilla shaped like a boat, fried, then filled like a taco.
chapati Indian whole-wheat bread; flat round cakes cooked on a griddle.
chard A vegetable related to the beet, used for its leaves and stalks. High in iron, and vitamins A and C.
chaurice A Creole and Cajun sausage. Made from pork, and normally spicy. Served on its own, or in gumbos and jambalayas.
cherries jubilee A famous dessert of dark red cherries, sugar, and brandy, flamed then served over ice cream.
chervil A mild, anise-flavored herb related to parsley.
chess pie A favorite southern pie that has a combination of corn syrup, sugar, eggs and a small amount of flour as the filling.
chestnut A large, sweet nut of the chestnut tree. Prepared in a variety of ways after removing the shell and inner skin (not just roasted over an open fire, with Jack Frost nearby.)
chickpea Also called garbanzo beans, these large peas are common in Mediterranean, Indian, and Middle Eastern dishes.
chicory A bitter-tasting green, related to endive. Common in Southern cooking. Roasted roots are used to make a coffee style beverage, or coffee additive.
chiffonade Thin strips of vegetables(i.e. lettuce or sorrel) lightly sauteed or used raw to garnish soups.
chile The spicy fruit native to Mexico. Its popularity since the 1500's now extends to Europe, Africa, and Asia as well as the western hemisphere. Many varieties, from large to small, mild to hot. Most of the "heat" is in the seeds and veins, and comes from the chemical compound capsaicin.
chimichanga A burrito that is fried or deep fried. A specialty of Sonora, Mexico.
chimichurri An Argentinian herb sauce of olive oil, parsley, vinegar, oregano, onion, garlic, and seasonings.
chinois A fine, metal sieve, used to puree or strain food.
chirinabe A family-style Japanese dish of fish and vegetables, cooked in a central pot of broth at the table.
chives A hardy, perennial herb (Allium schoenoprasum) of the lily family, with small, slender, hollow leaves having a mild onion odor: used to flavor soups, stews, etc.
chocolate A highly refined and processed derivative of cocoa beans. True chocolate must be made with cocoa butter and chocolate liquor, both derived from the processing of cocoa beans. The addition of sugar and spices produces the various bitter to sweet chocolates used in baking. Milk solids are added for milk chocolate.
chop suey Not a Chinese dish, but rather an American-Chinese dish, made of chopped meat, mushrooms, bean sprouts, water chestnuts, bamboo shoots, onions, and rice.
chorizo A highly seasoned, coarsely ground pork sausage flavored with garlic, chili powder and other spices used in both Mexican and Spanish cooking. As opposed to other sausages, casing should be removed before cooking.
chowder Most often thought of as clam chowder, but really is any thick and chunky soup.
churn The process of agitating cream until it separates into solids and liquids. The solid fat result is butter.
chutney A spicy, Indian condiment made from fruit, vinegar, and spices. It is served with curries and other dishes, or as a spread or appetizer with cheese.
cilantro The stems and leaves of the coriander plant, also known as Chinese parsley and coriander. It is often used in Asian, Caribbean and Latin American cooking and can be found sold in bunches in the fresh herb section of most markets year round. Both the leaves and the stems may be used in cooking. For cooking ideas, type cilantro into our word search feature.

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