Heading | Recipe |
| Purple Cow (Purple Lady)
| Raspberry Rush Smoothie from Jamba Juice, provided by Sherry's Recipes on the Internet
| V-8 Juice (Garden Juice Blend) from Ball Blue Book (Modified)
| B-B-Q Pecans (Savory Pecans) from Chuck's Collection
| Cereal Crisp from Dessert or Snack
| Crystallized Ginger (Crystallized Ginger) from William Bohannon
| Dill Cheese Snacks (Seasoned Cheez-Its) from Lisa Sparks
| Fruit Leather from From Chuck's memory, might use another recipe if you get one
| Gorp from Katherine A. G. Lindsay
| Gorp from JILL BARNETT
| Kettle Corn from Cindi
Snack mix
| Praline Snack Mix from Martha Purdy
| Apple Fruit Leather from Linda
| Escargot (Escargots in butter and garlic) from John Driscoll
| Janos's Escargot Snack (Escargot in garlic butter sauce) from Janos Rozsa
| Snail & Morel Mushroom Strudel with Goat Cheese from New Market Caterers, Chicago, IL
Snap peas
| Sugar Snaps, Carrots and Basil (Fresh, colorful side dish.) from Kristen
| Fillet of Snapper with Lime Sauce from La Tour d'Argent, Houston, Texas
| Red Snapper Soup
Snappy tom stroganoff
| Snappy Tom Stroganoff from allenm
| Snicker Candy Bars Imitations (Homemade "Snicker" Bars) from Marianna
| Snickerdoodles (Sugar Cookies) from 72600.2323@compuserve.com
| Snickerdoodles from Christy Smittle
| Snicker Surprise Cookies from Internet
| Snickers Cookies from Martha Purdy
Snickers cookie
| Snicker Surprise Cookies from Internet
Snickers pie
| Snicker's Pie from Mike Schmaltz
Snooty frog restaurant
| Viaveneto Prawns from Snooty Frog Restaurant, El Dorado Hills, CA
Snow crab
| Simple Crab Legs (Simple Crab Legs)
Snow peas
| Herb Sauced Vegetables from Hidden Valley Ranch Easy Cooking Favorite Recipes
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